We were woken up at 2:30 Monday morning by a phone call. Through the haze of my sleep I heard Nate's voice, "Alpha has been in a bad ATV accident and Emily is trying to call you!" We quickly called Emily and found out the details. She was in the ambulance with Alpha. He had been driving an ATV around their new home in the Colorado mountains when he hit some rocks and was flipped from the ATV. "The EMT said he might have a concussion and broken pelvis. We are still 1 hour away from the hospital!"
We started calling family to get them to pray. About 2 hours later Emily called with the incredible news that there was nothing broken, he was just badly bruised and they would be heading back up the mountain to go home.
Alpha with my mom in Loveland, Co a week ago Sunday on their way moving to Westcliffe. |
Jim and I have felt very attacked by the enemy in regards to our children lately, so much so that Sunday morning at church I felt compelled to go in front of the church and ask for prayer for our children. I truly believe that it was because of the prayer surrounding Alpha that day and right after the accident that he was protected!
I know for me that the easiest way for Satan to distract me from the work God has call us to is to flood my mind with anxiety about our children. I am asking you to be like Aaron and Hur as they held up Moses' arms during the battle against the Amalekites, and hold up our children before the Lord for Jim and me. I realized this morning in my devotional time that too much of my time has been stolen from the ministry here by the anxiety I have had lately over my children.
Let me give you a glimpse into why this is so important and what God is doing here:
We are entering camp season! Sunday our first intern, Emily, arrives here in Leipzig. We leave for Intern Training and the
Amazing Race on Tuesday where we, along with our German intern, Steffen, with meet our other US intern, Brittany.
This year's camp logo |
We believe
God has great things for this summer! We will be helping with an English
Camp in Ukraine June 28 - July 9. The English Camp with our local church, Ring
Cafe, is July 15 - 27, then we have an English Camp with a church about 2 hours
away in Cottbus August 12 - 19.
Things to
pray for:
- We have a Muslim refugee family
that their teenage kids come to our youth group at times. Their son would
really like to come to camp. We were able to have the family over to our
house on Sunday for dinner. We love this precious family! Pray that the
son, and maybe even some of the daughters will be able to come to camp!
- Pray for our interns, Steffen,
Emily, and Brittany, that God would use them in an incredible way in the
lives of teens here in Germany and Ukraine and that he would also use this
as a life-changing experience for them to his glory!
- Pray for more kids to sign up
for each of our camps! We would love to have 30-50 at each camp and
over half of those to be non-believers.
- Pray for the planning for each
camp, that we will follow the leading of the Spirit in all we do!
- Pray that Satan will not be
able to distract us from the work God has for us here. That God would
protect our children and that we (especially I) would trust him fully with
the care of each of them.
Thank you!
Each of you are a vital part of this ministry! Please, continue to pray!