Welcome to our Girls' Week-end!
Before you step inside, take a
look at this beautiful building, the "Pioneer House". It was once the
place where the Communist Youth Pioneers met. Now look what God is
doing with it!!!
Come on in and join the girls!
Everyone helps out with making breakfast, that makes the eating all the better!
And what is a retreat without a rousing game of Capture the Flag?
We had an incredible time discussing our week-end theme of "Heaven"! What will it be like? How can we be certain we will go there? How do we live our lives right now with heaven in mind?
What a great time of fun, bonding, learning new things and praying for each other.
We even went out for pizza to celebrate Jasmine's s16th birthday (the girl above in the center)!
Niya says to come soon to visit us again!
God truly blessed our week-end, as the girls thought deeply and some thought more about if they truly have a relationship with Christ! Please pray that all of them will make a decision to put their trust in Christ!
Prayer Points:
- We have 4 interns for this summer!!! What an answer to prayer. Three are from the US and one is German. Please pray for Steffen, Sam, Emily and Brittany as they raise their support by May 1 in order to come!
- We are having an outreach with our youth group partnering with "Jesus House". The next 5 weeks are preparation in our teaching every Friday night with the youth group, encouraging them to invite their friends. The outreach is on March 24. Pray that our young people will grow during this time and will invite their friends to the outreach. Pray that many non-believing youth will come to the outreach and that many of them will come to camp this summer and continue on in the fellowship of the youth group!
- Pray for me as I am doing an "intensive study/writing time" from now through March 1. Pray that I will be able to get a complete rough draft for my thesis finished in this time.
- Please, continue to pray for team mates for the JV German team. Specifically, someone who has a heart to take over the country leadership, so that we can fulfill our original roles of mentoring the team and getting it established!