I want to start out with an exciting update from my last post. Two of the girls from our Girls' Weekend have become believers! This is so exciting, as we and you have been praying for them! Please, continue to pray that they will grow and reach out to tell their friends about Jesus!
are doing something called, "Jesus House" this whole week at church (March 21-25).
It is coordinated with other youth groups here in the city and is an
outreach for the teens to invite friends. Last night we had over 100 people there.
Pray that more teens will come and hear the good news of Jesus. Here are a few pictures from the last two nights!
View of the Stage |
Round-Robin Ping-Pong -- Our kids' favorite game!!! |
Hawaii Bread - A piece of bread with ketchsup, ham, pineapple, cheese, then toasted. Quite tastey! |
We sit around tables and on couches. Notice me in the background, at the back with the glasses on! :0) |
The first night was a short talk about Jesus coming to earth, then a time for questions and answers. Here are kids lighting candles around a crèche (manger). |
Teens putting their names on a cross. |
A great, comfortable atmosphere, as our sanctuary was changed into a "livingroom"! |
We are so excited to see what God will do through this week of outreach! Please, pray as our kids invite their friends!
We are also so excited about our 4 summer interns! Please pray for each of them as they raise their support and prepare for coming this summer!
Steffen Kellner from Leipzig |
Emily Sherek from Michigan |
Brittany Hoogstraal from Florida |
Sam Meisenhelder from Oregon |
Also, please pray for us as we need to make a short, unexpected trip to the US
April 15 - 30 to take care of our house. Pray that God will give us
wisdom as to if we need to sell it or to continue renting it out. Pray
that as we make repairs and updates that all will go smoothly and as
inexpensively as possible. Thank God for our friends in the area that
are willing to help us out, as well as Emily and Alpha, as they are now
living in the house and Nate and Raine, as they plan to fly out from
Colorado to help us get things done and go through our stored
Lots of things to pray for this time! Just to recap the prayer requests:
- Pray for the two girls who have become believers
- Pray for our trip back to the States and wisdom about selling or renting out our house
- Pray for "Jesus House" outreach
- Pray for our four interns