Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Complexity of Simplicity

I have often thought about how I would love to make my life simpler.  Kind of "go natural".  Don't rely on machines so much.  Live close enough to a store to walk instead of always driving.  Take the stairs instead of the know, things like that.

 I will tell you that I got my wish and I am loving it...most of the time!  I do love hanging the laundry out on the line on a beautiful fall day like today!  It's just...well...the last couple of days when it was cold and rainy and I had to hang it in the bedroom to dry.

So, I'm trying to figure this out.  I like walking to the store...when it's nice out and not too far away.  I like cooking from scratch...when I have enough time and all the ingredients on hand (and can understand the recipe!).  I like hanging my laundry out...when it's warm and it will dry and I don't have to hang it in my bedroom.

But what about when I HAVE to walk to the store because there isn't enough parking for me to take the car?  What about when I HAVE to cook from scratch because they don't have "Cream of Mushroom Soup"?  Yes, there is a complexity to this simplicity and I know that once I hit my rhythm it will start to feel natural, but in the meantime...

So, we have been here Germany for almost 4 weeks and here in Leipzig for 3 weeks.  Right away we started looking for a place to live and found a beautiful apartment on the square of a small village!  It is everything I want in a place.  Lots of sunlight, an open floor plan, big rooms and a big kitchen, a guestroom, two bathrooms and an office!  Perfect! And it is in our budget, albeit the top of our budget.  We started the paperwork and have until the 21st of this month  to sign it.

Have you ever heard of God's grace in saving us from ourselves?  It seems that He often does this for me.  I get something in my mind and can think of a million reasons it is the best plan.  When we first arrived in Leipzig, we were living with a family in that little village.  The last week, we have moved into an apartment in the city of Leipzig to house-sit for a family while they are gone.  Every day we have people dropping by, eating meals with us, using our shower and restroom, sitting down to drink coffee with us.  Hum...remember the part about "Coffee in Leipzig"?  Oh yeah, it's at the top of this blog...  But I LOVE the place in the little village.  In fact I love it so much that I asked God that if it was not His will for us to have it that HE would take it away, not Jim...because I didn't want to be mad at Jim.  (Yes, it's true, I don't always smile at my husband and say, "OK, Dear"!)  Well, God had a better idea, He had ME take it away from myself!  As we have been in the city center this week I see how much I LOVE having my house accessible to people.  I love being surrounded by conversation, laughter and...yes, you got it...COFFEE!!!!!

So, pray for us that God will guide us to the right apartment and in His timing.  I am praying we will be able to move in somewhere by Dec.1, since Emily and Jared are coming Dec. 14 for Christmas...but I'm starting to hold on to that loosely, also.  (Notice I said "starting"?)

It is such a privilege and JOY to be here!!!!  Thank you so much to each of you who made it possible.  God is already giving us incredible relationships, great German teachers, connections with the youth and the youth staff and such a peace about His plan! Now if I can just figure out which store I need to walk to to buy more clothes pins!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh Lina!! That was SUCH a great blog post! I can't wait to see what home God gives you! Way to go being open to a change from what you thought you wanted!

Unknown said...

Ellen and I will be praying for you guys with finding a place! Great to hear how things have been going.