Monday, January 12, 2015

Jim's Health

As some of you may have heard, we found out that Jim has prostate cancer. After a few years of the doctors watching his prostate, he was told he needed a biopsy.  The test results came back as positive for malignant cancer. As they keep assuring us, if you are going to have cancer, this is one of the best ones to have. We are thankful for that, but realize that it is still very stressful. 

Tomorrow Jim has an MRI and then on Friday he has a 5 hour nuclear bone scan to make sure his bones are clear of cancer.  After all the results come in, the doctors will decide what to do, which may be surgery to remove the prostate.  We are very thankful that we are in Germany where everything medical is up-to-date and, specifically in Leipzig where they have a medical university and have all the latest, cutting-edge (no pun intended) technology.  They have the DaVinci Robotic Surgical System, which we have found out can do the surgery through a small "keyhole". 

Another incredible thing is that the family we are living with until we move into our apartment the first of February, he in a doctor and has become "our" doctor! :0)  Very reassuring.

I am a bit weary of not having our own place yet, so we are very excited that we will be moving for the final (at least for a few years) time on February 1.  So far, we have lived in 5 different places since we moved out of our house in September!

Language is coming slowly, but surely.  You can also pray for that for us.  We are very engaged in the youth group and the church.  God has given us so many incredible relationships here! We KNOW that this is where the Lord wants us!

Thank you for your prayers!


Unknown said...

Wow... I had no idea. Thank you for sharing. We will include the above requests in our prayers. All our love!

Unknown said...

Absolutely praying for you and Jim, asking God to bring full healing. I love how He's provided thus far and pray for more of that!! Thanks for updating all of us. Will specifically be praying for the appointments he has ahead of him.

Amy Ellenwood said...

dear, dear Jim and Lina, I can't tell you how often you are in our mind and in our prayers these days. The Lord is faithful to remind us of you. Oh how He loves you!! We are asking Jesus, our Healer, to touch your body, mind and spirit and to hold you up day by day. We love you both so much!

Elaine said...

Thank you for being so open about your life story at this point. I am praying as God assures you both of His promises. One promise I want to share with you is Proverbs 4:12: "As you go step by step the way WILL be opened before you."

Unknown said...

Thanks for updating us LIna. Go God, go Jim...praying for you.

mark foshager said...

Jim Miller! Now what'd you have to go and....??? I just shared this development with Deb. OK....lots to be thinking about here. At least you have Da Vinci there with you. We'll be thinking about you in this stretch ahead.

Julie said...

Lina, adding you and your husband to my prayer list. God bless you both and your ministry.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for both of you and looking forward to that visit we will be planning.;-)
Miss you!

Unknown said...

We'll be thinking of you and praying for the treatment team and both of you!

Plattmom said...

Well, if laughter is the best medicine ... Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Bringing you both before the Father during this time of uncertainty and asking Him to heal. Love to you both as you walk this road ahead of you.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing about this, Lina. What news this is, and how things change when it comes to you. I've been thinking a lot about you and praying for you both during this time. May God fill you with grace and give you miraculous opportunities like you've never had before because of this. I'm loving you both from afar!

Sarah said...

I'm on your time for the next 12 last night in Malta for the Refugee Highway Summit. Will be praying for Jim's meeting tomorrow morning while in the Malta airport. :-)

Sarah Miller