Summer has officially ended! We were with friends at a lake on August 31 and they said, "Well today is the last day of summer. It will be too cold to swim from now on." I totally didn't believe them, as it was so hot that day (that day being 82), but sure enough, September 1 hit and out came the long pants and jackets!
The weather is not the only change around here, of course. Our camp season is over and we are full-throttle into fall ministry! That means following up with newly established youth groups, youth-leader training, continued discipleship, and back-to-school youth programs!
We ended the summer involved in 4 full camps and 1 week-end camp, reaching over 130 teens, about half of which are not yet believers. What a privilege to do this work God has call us to and thank you so much for your part in it through your faithful prayers and financial support!
I want to give a shout out to our incredible interns this summer. Take a look at them in action:
Meet Claire from Oklahoma, Joel from Arkansas, and Pavel from the Czech Republic |
One of the themes of the summer was eating! Downtown Leipzig enjoying an ice cream break! |
Poor Claire, the only girl. But don't feel too sorry for her... |
Not surprisingly, Jim taught them how to cook, namely, make donuts! |
Joel hanging out, playing games with campers. |
Not all games were quiet and well mannered! Here's Pavel's crazy sports team after a game of volleyball! |
Thoughtful times, too, as seen with Pavel here singing worship songs around the camp fire. |
Claire, the best score-keeper around for a rousing game of American Baseball! |
Claire at an after-camp follow-up time. |
Already time to say good bye. |
Melli, one of our German Camp Leaders, and Claire, sad to say good bye. |
Thanks, Interns! You were all a great addition to Team JV Germany and God used you in many lives! We miss you! |
So, there's a quick shout-out to our great interns. Stay tuned to our next blog post where we will be talking about our Home Assignment in the States. We may be visiting near you and we would love to see as many of you as possible!!!
Let me know when you are in Elgin!
Would love to see you!
Let Pam and I know when your in Fort Collins. :)
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