Monday, March 30, 2015

In a Huge Battle

Please, pray for us.  I feel like we are really getting hit by the enemy.  I can not share any details, but we really need your prayers right now.  I am feeling very tired, weak and vulnerable. Thank you.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Emily's Wedding

The wedding was beautiful!  The bride was beautiful!  The mother of the bride was beautiful! ;0)

We got back to Germany and fast internet last night, so I want to get these pictures up right away.  I hope you enjoy them!
I LOVE this picture!  It captures them perfectly!
The room where the ceremony took place.

Alpha's mother being escorted to her seat by Alpha's brother, Upochoy.
Yep, that's me, the mother of the bride, being escorted by my handsome son, Jared.
Saying their vows
View from the back of the room
The Bridal Party.

Daddy-Daughter dance.  Notice her tears.
Bride and Groom dance.  Notice her smile!!!!
Alpha's family.
Our family minus Nate and Raine.  We sure missed them!
Emily adjusting her veil!
She's a beautiful bride!
Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Upohar Samaddar
Alpha singing to Emily
Had to include this one of Emily and me just before the wedding.
And one final fun picture!!

Thank you everyone for praying for us.  It was such a lovely and wonderful time.  We love Alpha and are so thankful to have him as our son-in-law!