Monday, March 30, 2015

In a Huge Battle

Please, pray for us.  I feel like we are really getting hit by the enemy.  I can not share any details, but we really need your prayers right now.  I am feeling very tired, weak and vulnerable. Thank you.


Anonymous said...


KjenkinsJC said...

Praying now in His name and authority

Joanna said...

Praying in Kansas. You are loved.

Unknown said...

Praying the full armor of God will protect you and you will know He is with you.

Unknown said...

On our knees lifting you in prayer.

Unknown said...


Ralph Ziegler said...

We're standing with you in prayer, Jim and Lina! We serve a mighty God, and are asking Him to undergird you with His strength.

Unknown said...

Praying..Praying...Praying and Loving...Lovng...Lovng You
-Tim & Ramona