Our Youth Event went really well on Friday evening. I can't believe I forgot my camara, so I'll just have to post pictures next week!
Each of our high school students did so much to make it a beautiful, inviting, fun-filled evening. When we first planned these events, we had not realized that the first one fell on the Friday of the schools' Spring break. Even so, we still had two guests attend! They were friends of two of the girls in the youth group. The pastor talked about evidences for believing in God. At the end, he opened the floor up for questions and one of the guests asked why Christianity is the only way to God. What about other religions? It was very exciting for him to answer that he would give a short answer now, but that is actually the question he would be covering next Friday at the Youth Event, so come back!
I wish you all could have been there to see our students participate. They set up the room, did a skit, formed a 4 person band and sang a song and MC'd the evening. They turned the sancuary into a comfortable teen room, complete with sofas, over-stuffed armchairs, plants, small tables and lamps scattered amongst the chairs and pillows on the floor for extra seating.
Please, pray that next week we will have many more guests, as school is back in session. We are so excited to see what God is doing! As our youth leader wrote to the kids a few hours ago, "Let us this
week again storm the sky in prayer and ask God that he will bring our
friends to ring Café, even if this may seem impossible - but for him nothing
is impossible and we know from the Bible that it is his heartfelt
desire that all people learn to know Him! So pray, pray, pray for the
Friday evening and for your friends and invite them this week again
Yes, let's "storm the sky in prayer"!
I will leave you with a short video you can view here, of Jim getting the incredible opportunity to "drop in" to Dick Patty's 90th birthday party in Austria last week! For those of you who don't know, Dick was our director for the many years we worked here in Germany with Cadence and I believe that Jim and I would never have married, had it not been for him and his wonderful wife, Margaret! What an incredible godly couple and living example of walking as Jesus walked! I hope you enjoy the surprise on Dick's face when Jim shows up unexpectedly! What a joy!!