Mountains move. Walls fall. Lives change.
We believe that when God's people pray, He does more than we can ask or imagine.
This was true in Acts, when the early church devoted themselves to fellowship and
prayer and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. We can
also see the power of prayer in the Moravian revival. In 1727, an around-the-clock
prayer watch began in Herrnhut, Germany that lasted over 100 years and helped to
send the gospel around the globe, even planting seeds for the "Great Awakening."
JV's vision is to see a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe
and we believe God's movement is fueled by prayer. That's why starting January 2017
we are inviting you to join our own prayer watch. The Prayer Room is a new online
24/7, 365 day experience. Beginning this December, you can sign up for one hour time
slots by going to On the site, you'll be guided through different
elements of prayer and current ministry requests from Josiah Venture missionaries in
our 13 countries.
Let's pray that God's kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven. Surely, He will show
up in big ways when we do.